Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome to Stanford

Someone called campus securities on me?? On the first day I moved in?? Yep, Welcome to Stanford!

Long story short, at Stanford grad housing, there's a building # and a house #, and I thought there is one building for every building # (the logical way to comprehend it) and pushed open the door of some apartment that has my building # on it. It was not locked, and I saw a woman sitting there playing with her baby.

"Can I help you?"
"Oh, is this building ___?" puzzled, I said in a hurry.
"Yes." She didn't bother to explain how I was wrong.
"OHHHH" grand moment of realization -- epiphany. "I thought there is only one building and there are multiple apartments in it... Sorry!"

1 hour later, campus securities knocked on my door and asked for my key, which they tried tirelessly open several locks. No matter how hard I tried to explain I was able to open her door only because it WASN'T LOCKED, the dude kept on trying. Finally convinced that I am not an intruder, he left me, and himself, in peace. Meanwhile, I wish the woman and her baby are enjoying their peace. I really do.

[Reason for not posting in so long: too many stories happen that it ended up messing so much with my head that it was hard to operate a keyboard. Nope that was an excuse, although I HAVE been writing this little book of mine re: high school life in the U.S., all in Chinese. Will it get published? We will just wait and see.]

Bro out. 

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